Student Publications

Damiano Benvegnù

Intervista con Gian Mario Villalta, ‘Quaderni Veneti’, Quaderni Veneti 49-50, Gennaio-dicembre 2009, 2011, Angelo Longo Editore Uno sguardo dalla periferia: appunti per una storia novecentesca della poesia in dialetto nel Triveneto, MLN, Volue 126, Number 1, January 2011 (Italian Issue)

Il sacrificio di Narciso: Pasolini friulano, in La nuova gioventù? L’eredità intellettuale di Pier Paolo Pasolini, edited by E. Patti, Genova :Edizioni Joker 2009 Narciso in una doppia scrittura: da La meglio gioventù a La nuova gioventù, in  Il mito nel testo.

Gli antichi e la Bibbia nella letteratura italiana. Roma: Studi (e testi) italiani XVIII, Bulzoni editore, 2007

Pietro Bocchia


“Carlo Tommaso Dragone” in E. Malato e A. Mazzucchi (eds.), Censimento dei commentatori danteschi. 2. I commenti di tradizione a stampa (dal 1477 al 2000) e altri di tradizione manoscritta posteriori al 1480, Salerno, Roma, 2014: 570-572;

“Attilio Momigliano” in Ivi: 506-513;

“Carlo Steiner” in Ivi: 415-417;

“La pugna spiritualis: una chiave per l’interpretazione di ‘Inferno’ II” in Acme 54 (2012): 89-137;

Article: “Un esempio di lotta interiore nell’ultimo Petrarca: «Ma pur che l’alma in Dio si riconforte» (TMII, 49)” in C. Allasia, M. Masoero, L. Nay (eds.), «La letteratura degli Italiani 3. Gli Italiani della letteratura». Atti del XV Congresso Nazionale dell’Associazione degli Italianisti Italiani (ADI), Torino, 14-17 settembre 2011, Alessandria, Edizioni dell’Orso, 2012: 867-875.

Dictionary Entries: “Impalpabile, Impurità, Impuro, Inavvertenza, Incaramellato”, in Opera del Vocabolario Italiano. Istituto del Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche presso l’Accademia della Crusca. Bollettino, 18 (2013): 43/45-47. Preface: in S. Invernizzi (ed.), Esperimenti danteschi 2008, Marietti, Genova (2009): VII-IX.

Reviews: G. Cristaldi’s La profezia imperfetta. Il veltro e l’escatologia medievale in L'Alighieri 41 (2013): 168-171;

M. Cerocchi’s Funzioni semantiche e metatestuali della musica in Dante, Petrarca e Boccaccio in Semicerchio 44 (2011): 109.

Melissa Lauren Dinsman

Refereed Publications

“Opposing Perspectives: Technology in Modernist Literature.” Critical Insights: Technology and Humanity. Ed. Carol Colatrella. Salem Press (September 2012)

 “‘A river is not a woman’: Re-visioning Finnegans Wake in Eavan Boland’s ‘Anna Liffey.’” Contemporary Women’s Writing (April 2012): 1-18.

“Parody, Play, and Purposeful Deconstruction: A discussion of Umberto Eco’s hermeneutic theory in relation to his parodic practice.” Literature Interpretation Theory 23.1 (2012): 1-19.

“Imperial Brecht? Bertolt Brecht’s Complex Portrayal of Empire in Mann ist Mann.” The Brecht  Yearbook. Vol. 36. Eds. Markus Wessendorf and Friedemann J. Weidauer. Storrs, CT: The International Brecht Society, 2011. 248-62.

Translation of Dirk Weissmann’s “From Staging to Disguised Self-Translation: Heine and Celan in France” in Romance Studies (Forthcoming 2013)

Review of Daniel Gilfillan’s Pieces of Sound: German Experimental Radio for Modernist Cultures (Forthcoming fall 2012)

Review of Sungook Hong’s Wireless: From Marconi’s Black-Box to the Audion for The  Information Society 28.1 (2012): 55-56.

Review of Alexandra Peat’s Travel and Modernist Literature: Sacred and Ethical Journeys for Modern Fiction Studies 57.4 (2011): 810-812.

Margaret Garvey

“A New Context for Constructing Aristotelian Catharsis,” The Journal of Dramatic Theory and Criticism, lead article (Fall, 2002) pp.5-21.

The Learned Ladies, study-guide for Shakespeare in the Schools, Univ. of Pittsburgh Theater Arts professional company (2001).

Loren Higbee

Multiple poetry translations in Unlikely Exemplars: Reading and Imitating Beyond the Italian Canon in French Renaissance Poetry, by JoAnn DellaNeva, Newark: U of Delware Press, 2009

“Decio I: February 12,” The Portland Review, Fall/Winter 2008

“Decio X: February 26,” The Portland Review, Fall/Winter 2008

“Bologna,” Inscape, Vol. 23, Issue 2, Fall 2003

“Udine,” Inscape, Vol. 23, Issue 2, Fall 2003

“From Metamorphoses X.243-297,”  The Formalist, Volume 10, Issue 2, 1999

Alexander Larsen

Forthcoming co-translation (with Kirsten Leuschner) from German of Hans Dieter-Bahr’s “Bringing and Positioning: Ways of Technology? Approaching Heidegger’s Thought on Technology.” In Printed Physics: Applied Virtuality. ed. Vera Buhlmann. Basel: Birkhäuser, 2012.  

 “Parables of Exposure: The Il y a and Ethics in Kafka, Levinas, and Blanchot.” Levinas Studies 5 (2010).

 “Transformation and Existence: Rainer Maria Rilke’s Dinggedichte and Phenomenology.” M.A. Thesis, Brigham Young University, 2008.

 “The Hermeneutics of Holocaust Narrative.” Undergraduate Honors Thesis, Brandeis University, 2002.

Review of Klaus Von See’s Ideologie und Philologie: Aufsätze zur Kultur-und Wissenschaftsgeschichte. Scandinavian Studies Summer (2007). 

James Martell

(2013) Samuel Beckett and the Encounter of Philiosophy and Literature, co-edited with Arka Chattopadhyay. Roman Books

(2011) “Derrida on Beckett, or the painful Freudian mark”. Mosaic, 44.4. 95-108. The University of Manitoba.

(2008) “Hamlet’s Rest (of Silence): The Telos of a Declension”. Declensions of the Self: A Bestiary of Modernity. Jean-Jacques Defert, Trevor Tchir, Dan Webb, Ed. Cambridge: Cambridge Scholar Publishing.

(2006) “acheronta movebo…: «la noche del mundo» o el corazón de la dialéctica”. (Review of Slavoj Žižek’s book The Parallax View, Cambridge: Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 2006). Revista de Filosofía, Universidad Iberoamericana, 117, 123-137. México.

(2003). “Límite a una ingenuidad: la filosofía”. (Review of José Bernal Pastor’s book El desplazamiento de la filosofía de Jacques Derrida, Granada: Universidad de Granada, 2001). Revista de Filosofía, Universidad Iberoamericana, 107, 149-157. México.

Hector Melo Ruiz

Articles (peer-reviewed)

“De la utopía de la edad dorada al paraíso ‘caníbal’ en Los perros del paraíso (1983) de Abel Posse.” Revista de Estudios Hispánicos, Volume XLVII, Número 2 (Junio 2013): 249-266.

Alboroto y motín de la plebe racializada de don Carlos de Sigüenza y Góngora.” Vanderbilt e-Journal of Luso-Hispanic Studies. Volume 9 (2013): 128-137.

Book Reviews

"Review of “Un país malsano. La conquista del espacio en las crónicas del Río de la Plata" (siglos XVI y XVII) (Rosario: Beatriz Viterbo Editora y Universidad Nacional de Rosario, 2011) by Loreley El Jaber, for Perífrasis: revista de literatura, teoría y crítica (January-June 2013): 156-158.

Review of <a href=";view=article&amp;id=116%3Avolumen-3-nd-5&amp;catid=37%3Avolumen-1-numero-1&amp;Itemid=65&amp;>Perspectivas sobre el Renacimiento y el Barroco (Bogotá: Ediciones Uniandes, 2011) by David M. Solodkow, for Perífrasis: revista de literatura, teoría y crítica (January-June 2012): 111-114.

Javier Mocarquer

“Excesos y excedentes del Chile postdictatorial en el proyecto contrahegemónico de Diamela Eltit.” (Article forthcoming in A Contracorriente, to be published in May 2015)

“Devenir animal: metáforas, metamorfosis y metástasis de El amor insecto de Cristián Basso.” Argus-a 3.13 (summer 2014): 1-20. Web. 1 October 2014.

“La representación del cuerpo en la poesía modernista latinoamericana.” Pandora Brasil 35 (2011): n.p. Web. 1 October 2014.

“Las vanguardias en México: el estridentismo y Manuel Maples Arce.” Eds. Márcia Sipavicius Seide y Rita Felix Fortes. Trama 6.11 (2010): 74-90. Print.

“Cervantes y el Nuevo Mundo: un exilio quimérico.” Pandora Brasil 19 (2010): n.p. Web. 1 October 2014.

“Madres en la patria ausente: Poema de Chile y Gabriela Mistral.” Pandora Brasil 16. (2010): n.p. Web. 1 October 2014.

Bretton Rodriguez

2011 - Book review of Vincent Barletta, Death in Babylon: Alexander the Great and Iberian Empire in the Muslim Orient. (2011), In Comitatus: a Journal of Medieval and Renaissance Studies 42 (2011). 

2011- Book review of Kirsten Fudeman, Vernacular Voices: Language and Identity in Medieval French Jewish Communities. (2010), In Comitatus: a Journal of Medieval and Renaissance Studies 42 (2011).

2010 - Book review of David Rojinsky, Companion to Empire: A Genealogy of the Written Word in Spain and New Spain, c.550-1550 (2010), for the American Academy of Research Historians of Medieval Spain (AARHMS).

Hannah Zdansky

“‘And fer ouer þe French flod’: A Look at Cotton Nero A.x. from an International Perspective.” New Directions in Medieval Manuscript Studies and Reading Practices: Essays in Honor of Derek Pearsall. Ed. Kathryn Kerby-Fulton and John J. Thompson. Notre Dame, IN: University of Notre Dame Press. (forthcoming)

“Love in Translation: The Irish Vernacularization of the Aeneid.” Saints, Sinners, and Scribes in the Celtic World. Ed. Brian Ó Conchubhair. Dublin: Arlen House. (forthcoming)

Fin’ Amors Refined: The Spiritual Sublimation of the Courtly Couple in the Queste del Saint Graal.” Cultures courtoises en mouvement. Ed. Isabelle Arseneau and Francis Gingras. Montréal: Presses de l’Université de Montréal, 2011.

“Saint Patrick” (co-authored with K. Sarah-Jane Murray), The Encyclopedia of Christian Civilization. Ed. George Kurian. 4 vols. Oxford: Blackwell Publishing, 2011.

“Priscian” (co-authored with K. Sarah-Jane Murray), Oxford Dictionary of the Middle Ages. Ed. Robert E. Bjork. 4 vols. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2010.

“St. Adomnán” (co-authored with K. Sarah-Jane Murray), Oxford Dictionary of the Middle Ages. Ed. Robert E. Bjork. 4 vols. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2010.

“Courtly Love” (co-authored with K. Sarah-Jane Murray), The Facts on File Companion to British Poetry before 1600. Ed. Michelle M. Sauer. New York: Facts on File, 2008.

“Lust as Sin” (co-authored with K. Sarah-Jane Murray), The Greenwood Encyclopedia of Love, Courtship, and Sexuality through History. Ed. William E. Burns. 6 vols. Washington D.C.: Greenwood Press, 2007.

“Male Monasticism.” The Greenwood Encyclopedia of Love, Courtship, and Sexuality through History. Ed. William E. Burns. 6 vols. Washington D.C.: Greenwood Press, 2007.

“Medb” (co-authored with K. Sarah-Jane Murray), The Greenwood Encyclopedia of Love, Courtship, and Sexuality through History. Ed. William E. Burns. 6 vols. Washington D.C.: Greenwood Press, 2007.

“Pope Joan.” The Greenwood Encyclopedia of Love, Courtship, and Sexuality through History. Ed. William E. Burns. 6 vols. Washington D.C.: Greenwood Press, 2007.

“Tristan” (co-authored with K. Sarah-Jane Murray), The Greenwood Encyclopedia of Love, Courtship, and Sexuality through History. Ed. William E. Burns. 6 vols. Washington D.C.: Greenwood Press, 2007.