Daniel E. Colón


Current Appointment: Clinical Assistant Professor of Spanish and Director of Undergraduate Studies at The Catholic University of America
2015/2016: "Fulbright Postdoctoral Fellow at the Instituto de Letras, Universidade Federal da Bahia (UFBA), Salvador, Brazil."

Research Focus: Modern and Contemporary Latin American Literary and Cultural Studies

Academic Training: PhD in Literature, University of Notre Dame (2010).

BA, Spanish, International Relations and Latin American Studies Minor, Tufts University (2000).

Selected Publications:

“The Role of Folklore in Pepetela’s Historiography of Angola.” Luso-Brazilian Review. 49.1 (Summer 2012): 27-45.

“Orlando Mason y las raíces del pensamiento social de Pablo Neruda.” Revista Chilena de Literatura 79: Número especial dedicado a Pablo Neruda (Septiembre 2011): 23-45.

“Analysis of the Narrative Structure and Style of O Manual dos Inquisidores: An Allegory of the Salazar Dictatorship in Portugal.” Hispanófila 163 (September 2011): 63-78.

“Recado ‘confidencial’ sobre Pablo Neruda.” In Confidencias de grandes amistades: Cartas de Gabriela Mistral a Eduardo Barrios y otros textos mistralianos. Ed. José Anadón. México, D.F.: Seminario de Cultura Mexicana, 2011. 145-62.